Dolmans - Core values


"New core values; how do we make sure they really live in the minds and hearts of our people?"


Dolmans - Core values




Brand values trajectory 'Let's Go Dolmans'

The issue

We have new core values. How do we make sure they really live in the minds and hearts of our people and make sure our customers really experience them?


The challenge

21 branches across the country. If there's an emergency: we're gone! Employees not used to sitting or days of training


Our solution

A course that consists of:

  • Three short two-hour Brain Boost sessions with storytelling, gamification and lots of short activities.
  • A nationwide battle over three months in which employees play games around the core values.
  • An online social platform where employees could show results of their games and feature challenges.


Measurable result

77.9% increase in awareness of core values

1253 photos of actions around the core values on the online platform

Also interested in a Talent Challenge onboarding process?

Make an appointment and we will look at the possibilities!

we are


When you choose training, you want results. You want your people to learn a lot, you want the time to fly by, and you want results for your organization. Measurable results. That's what Brain Bakery does.

Because of our scientific foundation combined with our No More Boring Learning philosophy, we achieve business results that don't lie.