Jumbo - Management Traineeship



Jumbo - Management Traineeship





The issue

Jumbo Supermarkets is growing very fast and is always looking for strong managers. It is important that managers fully live the Jumbo DNA (Samen - Winnen -
Ondernemen) and let it come back in their work. The assignment was to develop a super attractive, very well thought-out and innovative management traineeship. The aim is to prepare the leaders of the future internally instead of recruiting externally.


The challenge

The biggest challenge was that Jumbo did not yet have any experience with management traineeships. The very pleasant cooperation allowed us to get along well, with us learning a lot about Jumbo and them learning a lot about developing a traineeship from our expertise about management traineeships.


Our solution

We developed a three-year management traineeship. Each year focuses on a higher level of leadership and independence. One goal of the traineeship is to train the trainees to become (future) leaders. The other goal is to make Jumbo even more successful as an organization by giving the trainees the opportunity to pitch and implement new ideas.

During the traineeship, the trainees are given three different positions, one of which is as a manager in a store location. This allows them to get to know all facets of the organization and its DNA, enabling them as a group to bridge all those different parts.

The traineeship includes group training, coaching, intervision, coaching on the job, use of Augmented Reality, development interviews, internal and external excursions, e-challenges and exciting and innovative assignments. During the three years, the trainees often get the opportunity to work out or pitch an idea to, for example, the management. In this way they develop their (self)leadership and influence the organization.


Measurable result

The traineeship is currently ongoing. The results so far are:

A very successful recruitment campaign for Jumbo in general and for the traineeship in particular due to the success experiences of the first group of trainees.

High retention among trainees.

A growing number of applications for the traineeship's new lightings.

High executive satisfaction with accelerated development.

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