Telecombination - Gamification


"217% more Home Packages sold as the non-trained stores"


Telecombination - Gamification


2016 & 2017


Sales Bootcamp

The issue

Our people do sell subscriptions and phones, but insurance and accessories lag behind the national trend and what we think is possible


The challenge

The stores have many opening hours and the entrepreneurs from the stores can never miss their staff. This left Monday mornings for training.
Because of the entrepreneurial structure, we cannot communicate everyone's performance figures just like that.


Our solution

Each group received Bootcamp training, including a paintball component, once a month for 4 months. To properly measure the impact of the training, we randomly selected half of the stores. Afterwards, we compared the results of the trained stores, which received a total of 10 hours of training, with the untrained stores. We worked with the 4A Sales model familiar to the participants and refined their skills in the areas of/searching for the pain, redirection techniques, drill and hole storytelling and closing techniques.


Measurable result

217% More home packages sold than non-trained stores

28% More insurance sold than non-trained stores

55123 Paintball bullets shot

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When you choose training, you want results. You want your people to learn a lot, you want the time to fly by, and you want results for your organization. Measurable results. That's what Brain Bakery does.

Because of our scientific foundation combined with our No More Boring Learning philosophy, we achieve business results that don't lie.