Jumbo Academy - Talent platform


Help us encourage employees so they get to work on their own development and career opportunities


Jumbo Academy - Talent platform


2021 -2022


Building talent platform

The issue

The job market is tight. Good staffing is crucial to serve your customers. Also at Jumbo. Jumbo therefore wants more promotion to management positions from all groups of store employees. The question: stimulate employees so that they can work on their own development and career opportunities in an accessible way.


The challenge

Jumbo employs 100,000+ employees in more than 700 stores. 90% work part-time. Sometimes only a few hours a week. A store is open 7 days a week. Most from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. in the evening. Employees see changing managers, and sometimes these are part-timers. It is challenging for managers and employees to find a moment and time with each other to talk about development and career steps. At the same time, we know that the role of the supervisor is crucial in the development of team members.


The solution

We developed Leukomteleren.com, a low-threshold online platform that makes learning and development accessible to everyone. Employees can find advancement opportunities and learning paths on their own devices in up to seven clicks. They enroll directly in training courses via a link to the LMS.

The platform includes tools that allow employees to easily identify their talents and ambitions. They can also ask questions of former training participants to make more informed choices. For executives, the platform provides an overview of available growth paths and associated requirements so that they can provide targeted support to their team members.

What we did:
- In-depth research: what are the main causes and concept solution
- Construction of a prototype: a test the of solution first at the stores
- Selection of supplier: build platform and develop the texts and videos.
- Technical tests: prevent 100,000 colleagues from dropping out in case of problems
- Implementation: an open platform on the Internet (leukomteleren.com) so that all colleagues had barrier-free access
- Monitoring: we monitor the impact and adjust the platform based on user feedback


Measurable result

The number of unique visitors has grown from 20 per day to numbers between 100 and 200 per day depending and an average of 3,000 visitors per month. While the exact impact on retention and advancement is difficult to measure separately, colleagues' overall appreciation for development and advancement opportunities has increased in the employee satisfaction survey. The successful platform has since been rolled out to all business units.

An average of 3,000 participants per month

Appreciation development and advancement opportunities increased (MTO)

Platform rolled out to all business units

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