Tele2 - Onboarding Gamification


"Since Brain bakery's training, the new employees are profitable after only 1 month instead of 5.4 months"


Tele2 - Onboarding Gamification




Talent Challenge onboarding

The issue

Reduce the time it takes new store employees to become productive and profitable, and steam them up for working in our stores. And at the same time, make sure they truly service and sell according to our vision.


The challenge

The target group consisted of many part-timers and students, who were not always available for a full-time induction program. New employees had to become familiar with a lot of devices, subscriptions and more than 20 computer systems in a short period of time.


Our solution

We designed an onboarding that seamlessly matched the company's culture and target audience. We did this based on the Pokémon Principles, our own learning principles distilled from the game Pokémon Go.

The course consisted of five levels through which each participant had to pass. During all levels, participants earned badges, as rewards for all kinds of tasks. The physical badges were handed out by trainer and manager.

To keep the pressure on the stores low, we took only four training days. The rest of the trajectory consisted of directed learning in the stores and online. From the beginning of the trajectory, we put the pressure on performing. This through levels, badges, intensive contact with managers and through a final battle; the Final Boss.

Through the intensive contact with managers and the many rewards and assignments, we controlled behavior and performance very effectively.


Measurable result

181% Growth in performance in the first year

The time it took a new employee to become profitable was reduced from 5.4 to 1 month. This increased the profitable time

€47,927 additional revenue per trained FTE

Also interested in a Talent Challenge onboarding process?

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we are


When you choose training, you want results. You want your people to learn a lot, you want the time to fly by, and you want results for your organization. Measurable results. That's what Brain Bakery does.

Because of our scientific foundation combined with our No More Boring Learning philosophy, we achieve business results that don't lie.